If you follow me on Facebook, you may be sick of hearing about this, but if not, I’m pleased to say that today is the release date for my first novel, Alara’s Call. It’s book one of my series The Prophet’s Chronicle.

In the lead-up to this release, and for the rest of the week, I’ve been on a blog tour. The schedule is below if you want to visit some of these other sites and learn more about Alara, her allies, and her storyworld.
On September 21 we’ll hold a Facebook party to celebrate the book’s release and give away some amazing prizes, including a Bible study bundle and tons of books, many of which have something in common with Alara’s Call.
If you’re in Central Florida, you can join me September 30 for a launch party, 1–3 p.m., at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1655 Peel Ave. in Orlando. Light refreshments will be served, we’ll give away some door prizes, and a friend and I will give a dramatic reading of a key scene from the beginning of the book.
Thanks for being part of my journey and allowing me to be part of yours!
September 11, Review of Alara’s Call, Gretchen Engel, www.scriblerians.com, www.newauthors.wordpress.com
September 11, Interview, Catherine Bonham, www.dolphin18cb.wordpress.com
September 12, Visual Post, Jebraun Clifford, www.jebraunclifford.com
September 13, Review of Alara’s Call, Kate Jameson, www.kategjameson.wordpress.com
September 13, Review of Alara’s Call, Anna Tan, www.blog.annatsp.com
September 14, Guest Post by Kristen Stieffel, Laura A. Grace, www.unicornquester.com
September 14, Interview, J.M. Hackman, www.jmhackman.com
September 15, Review by Travis Perry, www.travisbigidea.blogspot.com
September 15, Visual Post, Liv Fisher, www.livkfisher.blogspot.com
September 16, Top 3 Post, Laurie Lucking, www.landsuncharted.com
September 17, Behind-the-Scenes Feature, Steve Rzasa, www.steverzasa.com
September 18, Review of Alara’s Call, Laurin Boyle, www.laurinboyle.wordpress.com
September 19, Behind-the-Scenes Feature, Kristen Stieffel, www.newauthors.wordpress.com
September 20, Guest Post by Kristen Stieffel, Gillian Bronte Adams, www.gillianbronteadams.com
September 21, Review of Alara’s Call, Michele Israel Harper, www.micheleisraelharper.com
September 22, Guest Post by Kristen Stieffel, Rebecca LuElla Miller, www.rebeccaluellamiller.wordpress.com