Finer points of character development

Last time we looked at the importance of great characters in fiction. Now, let’s break down the points in the Character segment of the Elements of Fiction Editing Checklist. ☐ Principal characters are well-rounded and realistic. The goal here is to avoid one-note characters. Remember that people have multiple interests. …

Before editing, develop a plan

Many writers get to the end of a rough draft and then start revising without a clear plan. We’re taught how to write, but often we’re not taught how to edit. Professional editors know that editing requires a clear plan. Working without one can lead to months, if not years, …

Your hard drive will crash

While I was at the FWA Bradenton Mini-Conference last week, Dropbox had a major service outage. This wasn’t a huge problem for me, just an inconvenience. For others, not so much. Dropbox is an online storage service, and a lot of writers use it as their main backup. A glitch …

Writers need professional e-mail addresses

When you’re just starting out, it doesn’t matter what your e-mail address looks like. But when you reach the point of submitting to publishers or even self-publishing, you need a professional e-mail address. Make that especially if you’re self-publishing. The self-published author is a businessperson, and needs a businesslike address. …

Tomatoes and time management

One of the keys to managing your time and your projects is breaking large projects down into do-able tasks. Writing a book is a massive job, and if your to-do list says “write book,” that item will be there for months, mocking your inability to cross it off. But “write …