Keeping track of plurals and possessives

Errors involving the presence or absence of an apostrophe or the letter s are among the most common spelling mistakes, which is why I mention the problem over on my Services page: There is some overlap among line editing, copyediting, and proofreading. For example, all include taking care of pesky …

Marcher Lord Press sold

The Christian Speculative Fiction community is a-flutter today over news that Jeff Gerke, founder of Marcher Lord Press, sold the five-year-old company to Steve Laube. Laube is a literary agent with an appreciation for Christian Speculative Fiction, having represented Bryan Davis, Sharon Hinck, and Tosca Lee. Gerke intends to focus …

Happy New Year

One may walk over the highest mountain one step at a time. —  John Wanamaker Whatever mountain lies before you, whether it’s on the horizon or staring you in the face, I pray that this year you will reach the summit. When you get there…take time to enjoy the view.

Can a person be a “that?”

Ever had critique partners question a sentence like this? The waiter that spilled coffee on my new dress offered to pay the dry-cleaning bill. Some will say you shouldn’t use “that” for a person. But Garner’s Modern American Usage and other expert sources say it’s acceptable. Are your critique partners …

Collected resources for writers

I added a couple of new pages: you’ll find them under the “Resources” menu. The Freebies page is a collection of my downloads, including cheat sheets and the manuscript formatting guide. The Recommended Reading page will look familiar to anyone who’s taken one of my seminars. It’s a list of …

How to tell a good story

I’m taking a blogging break this week, but here’s a little something: Ira Glass of the radio show This American Life discusses the elements of storytelling in this series of videos from Public Radio International. Glass is speaking of nonfiction, particularly short nonfiction for broadcast. But the principles apply in …