This collection includes my novella "Flight." It's science fiction, because it's set on Mars in the future, but it reads like fantasy because of the low technology level. "Flight" features giant birds, an airship, and a bit of romance. The other stories in the collection are absolutely fabulous, and I am thrilled to be in the company of such great writers.
A future terraformed Mars, where civilization crashed back into a Medieval Era. Christian Knights called “riders” patrol the Pilgrim Road from Olympus to New San Diego, on the Chryse Sea. The technological past is known as the “Age of Magic” and only a handful of people understand how the remaining ancient devices really work. Lighter gravity in dense air makes flying dragons and bird riders a reality; alloys of the past make “magic” swords; and masters of ancient knowledge wield wizard-like power.
Nine authors spin tales in this unique story world, one which combines elements of science fiction and high fantasy.