The 11 Secrets of Getting Published
Author: Mary DeMuth
Genre: Writing
Tag: Recommended Books
ISBN: 098343672X

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About the Book

See how easily you can learn the secrets of getting published! Frustrated by how much there is to learn to finally see your name in print with a big publishing house? Mired in confusion about your next steps? An accomplished nonfiction freelancer and novelist with 11 traditionally published books under her author belt, Mary DeMuth understands the twists and turns of the publishing industry. She answers the question, “How can I get published?” by pulling 11 Secrets from her popular blog, Wannabepublished. Mary teaches you how to: * Craft the kind of query letter that gets you noticed by industry professionals. * Write stronger, powerful, attention grabbing prose. * Create effective writing routines to meet your daily and weekly goals. * Navigate a writing conference with confidence. * Find and woo an agent.

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