The Instructor element of my work encompasses three aspects: classes I teach for others, my own online course, and one-on-one coaching.
I have taught at many conferences, libraries, and writing groups over the years, from full-day seminars to one-hour classes. E-mail me to request my current list of offerings, which includes classes on self-editing and on most elements of fiction, including character development, viewpoint, and writing vivid descriptions.
My online course, Edit Your Novel Like a Pro, is modeled after my full-day editing seminar and contains more than seven hours of teaching. The course includes tools and techniques professional editors use when revising fiction and examines each of ten elements of fiction. This course shows you what to do, in what order, and how to know when you are finished. The introductory module is free and provides an overview of the editing process.
Register for Edit Your Novel Like a Pro
One-on-one coaching can be used for getting past a block, or on a continuing basis to help you get through writing or revision. I like to structure coaching sessions by having you submit a block of pages for critique, then after I return the critique we can schedule a follow-up call to discuss. This can be repeated on a two- or four-week schedule as meets your needs. Email me to discuss.