As we saw last week, the goal of deep point of view is to eliminate the narrator. Which means there are two primary choices for POV, each of which has some subsets: You can have a narrator, or not. In a novel with no narrator, the POV character takes on …
Tag: Point of View
The difference between third person POV and Deep POV
Q: I keep hearing about Deep POV. What is it, and how is it different from what the writing books call third person POV? A: Point of view is one of the most complicated elements of fiction, and POV slips are among the most common errors we see in amateur …
Why omniscient POV is not recommended
One of the most common errors we see in amateur manuscripts is POV slips, which occur when a writer who means to be writing in character POV includes something the POV character can’t know. For example, if you’re writing from the POV of a starship captain, you ought not put …