Additional Online Seminars

I’ll be teaching two more writing classes this summer for Orange County Library System, in addition to those announced earlier. Both of these classes will be held over Zoom, so anyone may attend. There is a field on the registration form, but it’s optional. If you don’t have an OCLS library card, just leave it blank.

A New Perspective on Viewpoint will be August 27 at 7 p.m.
Point of View is the channel through which the reader experiences a story, so getting it right is crucial. Yet POV slips are among the most common errors editors see. The root cause of this is confusion about the difference between person, e.g., first or third, and who carries the viewpoint, the character or the narrator. Freelance editor Kristen Stieffel will explain the difference between writing in character POV versus narrator POV, and how to choose which is right for your story.

Plot Pitfalls will be July 30 at 7 p.m.
Plot is a crucial element of story, so it’s important for writers to know what weaknesses to look out for and fix before submitting or publishing a novel. Freelance editor Kristen Stieffel will review some of the most common plotting problems editors find and how to fix them. This class will help not only those who plot their novels before writing, but also discovery writers, who can use this information when revising their finished drafts.

If you register for either of these events, you will receive an email with a link to access the Zoom room before the event from the event host. Neither session will be recorded, so replays will not be available.

Kristen Stieffel teaching a group of students in a library classroom
Kristen teaching at the 2020 Orange County Library System Writers Conference. Photo by Sarah Fisk.

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